Solved: Inconsistent waveform chart update 您所在的位置:网站首页 labview chart Solved: Inconsistent waveform chart update

Solved: Inconsistent waveform chart update

2024-04-15 09:35| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

Hello guys,


I have been trying different things but nothing seems to work for me.


I have tried to do the job with an xy plot, but as you can check in the attached VI "XY plot", it has performance problems when the amount of points starts to rise. Open the VI, run it, click pause button to fastly execute the first 50k iterations (to avoid plot updating and property nodes executions), and disable it after. Then you will check that the VI runs slow due to the amount of points. I know that I have runing a build array inside a loop, but the VI takes almost 1 second to append a new point to the plot. This absolutely too much for being caused by a build array, and also the scrollbar feels slow (even with the VI already stoped, so I think it's the plot).


In the other hand I have also tried if the "Force redraw" method of the chart was going to solve the original chart problem, but it does nothing (Charts It's a pitty because the "Comb Chart" does everything I need, but it has displaying problems with the second signal. I have tried also with different loop timmings but also no change there. Also, when the VI finishes running, it's easy to check using the scrollbar that despite the drawing problems while running, all the points are there at the end.


Could I get some help? I don't know how to make it run properly... Thanks in advance,









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